Alternative to Braces for Teens in Irvine

What is Invisalign Teen®?

Invisalign® straightens teeth using a series of clear, plastic aligners. For teeth to move from their current crooked position to where they are supposed to be, pressure must be applied. With braces, this is done using metal brackets with wires threaded between them. With Invisalign®, we apply pressure using a series of clear aligners that place specific amounts of pressure on specific teeth. When worn in a series, they put the right amount of pressure on the teeth to migrate the teeth to the correct position.

Here are six things you should know about Invisalign® prior to visiting our office.

  • Teens love Invisalign®. If your teen enjoys their orthodontics treatment, they will be more committed to following through with it. Orthodontics is not a procedure that people can complete in one visit. It is up to your teen to remember to wear their aligners, keep up with appointments and care for his or her teeth. While the same level of commitment is necessary for wearing braces, Invisalign® can lead to better satisfaction in the teen during the process and months of wearing the product. Teens wear Invisalign® aligners for at least 21 hours per day. However, teens can remove the aligners to eat, brush their teeth, play sports or for taking a picture.
  • Easier to use. One of the biggest benefits of Invisalign Teen® as an alternative to braces for teens, is that the clear aligners are incredibly easy to use. The clear aligners function like a removable retainer. Your teen puts the aligners in and takes them out as necessary since we do not need to permanently fix anything in place. As long as a teen brushes his or her teeth after each meal, the teen can eat any favorite foods and not have to adjust the diet. All the teen needs to do is take the aligners out and put them in a secure case while eating. The same is true when it comes to brushing their teeth. This is a far cry from braces, where the brushing and flossing routine requires additional tools and can take up to twenty minutes at a time.
  • Teeth stay cleaner. Since teeth are easier to keep clean when wearing Invisalign®, there is less of a chance of developing stains or even cavities. Consider this, when a person wears braces, food can become stuck all along the brackets and underneath the wires. These areas can be hotbeds for bacteria and plaque that can eat away at the teeth and lead to decay. In order to prevent this, special brushes need to be used on a daily basis so that the brackets themselves can stay relatively clean. Proper dental hygiene can be difficult for adults, let alone children or teens. This is one reason that Invisalign Teen® is an ideal treatment option. By removing the aligners while eating, there is nothing additional for food to get stuck on or for plaque to grow on. Since they come out to brush and floss, the process of oral hygiene is as convenient as it has always been. Invisalign Teen® makes a win-win for oral hygiene and for the aesthetics of the smile.
  • Better for self-esteem. While braces are smaller in size than in the past, many people still associate stigma with wearing braces. When teens hear they will need to wear braces, many may feel insecure about looking different, become worried about standing out, and dislike the idea of going to school with a metal mouth. At Smile by Design Dental Group, we get it. No matter how efficient of a job braces can accomplish, some teens may prefer an alternative due to feelings of insecurity or being self-conscious. As a parent, we encourage you not to force the issue since braces are a long-term commitment and if they are not happy on day one, it is unlikely that they will be happy a few months in the process. Instead, we recommend using Invisalign Teen®. Our Irvine dental office can provide a nearly invisible solution for teens that other people will have trouble noticing. The discreet function while wearing Invisalign Teen® allows them to smile every day without hiding their teeth. As the teen’s smile improves during the process, he or she will remain positive and notice the changes.

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